
 Principal Investigator

Shiva Abbaszadeh


PhD students

Mohan Li

B.S. Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, 2015

Research Interests: My research interest focuses on development of novel radiological imaging modalities such as positron emission tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT). Research methods include detector and electronics simulation, readout electronics design, system assembly and calibration and image reconstruction algorithms.

Zheng Liu

M.S. Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois, 2016
B.S. Nuclear Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2014

Research Interests: My research interest focuses on the development of sensor network systems for background radiation monitoring and radiation source detection. Research methods include system assembly and calibration, neural networks for radiation prediction and anomaly detection.

Yongseok Lee

M.Eng. Bio-convergence Engineering, Korea University, 2017
B.Eng. Biomedical Engineering, Korea University, 2015

Research Interests: My research interest focuses on development of medical imaging system such as positron emission tomography (PET). Research methods include analog and digital readout circuit simulation and design for detector, system assembly and detector simulation. My research experience is in design of readout electronics of radiation detectors, radiation hardened ADC design and radiation instrumentation for evaluation of new scintillation crystal.

Master’s students

Hengquan Zhang

B.Eng. Nuclear Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, 2017

I am a graduate student majoring in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at UIUC. I am interested in new radiological imaging modalities such as Positron Emission Tomography. My research interest focuses on Monte Carlo simulation, readout electronics design and data processing algorithms.

Gregory Romancheck

I am in my final undergraduate semester double majoring in Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering (NPRE) and Engineering Physics. My research interests include multi-parametric positron emission tomography (PET) protocol, algorithms, and optimization, image reconstruction algorithms, and detector simulation and design. I have applied to remain at UIUC for a masters and PhD in NPRE.

Undergraduate students

Heyuan Huang

I am an undergraduate student pursuing dual degree in physics and NPRE. My research interests are focused on improving the accuracy of PET scan quantification in clinical use. I plan to go to graduate school and continue my research after graduation.


John Smith

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, with a minor in Molecular and Cellular Biology. My research interests are mostly focused on Positron Emission Tomography including readout electronics and system characterization. I am planning on attending medical school in Chicago next year. My career goals are to one day become a physician and hopefully continue research.